Essential Travel Books For Your Next Trip to Switzerland

In our modern lives, so many things have become instant. Wanna watch a movie?  There's a bunch to choose from on Netflix. Wanna a quick bite? Pop something in the microwave and 4 minutes later - voila! Wanna talk to someone? Give them a call, text, or even see them with Skype. Wanna buy something? Hop on Amazon and a couple clicks later it's yours.

But isn't there something magical about anticipation. Remember those childhood memories at Christmas time putting up the tree, writing your letter to Santa and anticipating all those gifts! Remember looking forward to your birthday and to a summer vacation?

I picked up this fun book called "A Book That Takes It's Time: An Unhurried Adventure in Creative Mindfulness" by Irene Smit and Astrid van der Hulst. Inside Lisette Thooft talks about CELEBRATING THE WAIT. She reveals that "Things and experiences gain value when you have to wait for them," and "Instant gratification makes them worth less." And the book goes on to state: "Because of ubiquitous instant gratification, something paradoxal happened in our society. Because we have so little time to long for something, there is a kind of restlessness in our lives which leads us to enjoy ourselves less. If you always get everything you want right away, you're constantly on the treadmill of dissatisfaction, always on the lookout for the next product, the next set of new clothes, the next new gadget, without ever reaching the stage of quiet enjoyment and being satisfied with what you have."

And isn't this a wonderful discovery that can apply to travel. It means that the travel planning and the travel exploration process can be a wonderful way to extend your joy and build up anticipation for your next trip - plus you get to learn a lot and find those secret hidden spots to check out along the way.

In the spirit of helping you get excited for your next trip to Switzerland and increasing your joy, here are the essential 5 books and guides I highly recommend to help you plan your perfect trip and learn more about beautiful Switzerland.

Celebrate the Wait with These 5 Books